A few weeks ago at work, I crushed a finger and the nail died. The old nail has finally been pushed out and disconnected itself from my digit. There's now a sad, rigid stump where I once had a nail. Just ask me, I'll show you the protonail. I'll admit to having a problem when it comes to temptation. I walked in Gamers today and left with a DS, the new Advance Wars, and Nintendogs. Yes, I got Nintendogs. For the time being, anyway. I now have an excessively cute dachshund made entirely of electrons. Most of the game uses the stylus instead of buttons and it works pretty well. Dual screens allow you to flip through menus without losing sight of the cute, yet fictional dog.
Thus far, Menchi knows his name and comes when called. He can also sit, which I taught him to do. The microphone picks up his name and commands pretty well so far, though it leads to noisy play sessions. "Menchi!" "Sit!" ""Bob," quit shouting. Are you still playing that game? You know, that's a really girly reason to get a DS. Why didn't you get a PSP?" "Fuck the PSP! If I wanted a crappy video player and no games for more money, I'd waste my cash on a portable DVD player. Then, I wouldn't have to re-buy Super Troopers to watch it."
Fuck you all, I'm going to keep my fictional puppy. Sure, it's just a virtual pet. It's Nintendo, so it's got a polish on it that Blizzard is envious of. The way the dog moves and responds to 'affection' is far too endearing to pass up. I totally need to see if I can use it to get chicks now. The PSP is crap. That's all you really need to know about it. For every good thing about it, there's a glaring flaw with the execution.
Good thing 1: It plays movies. Flipside: You have to pay full retail for your movies again and it'll never play on anything else.
Good thing 2: It's got a really nice screen. Flipside: They've been taking back units with defective screens since release. Something about dead pixels.
Good thing 3: Sony can buy a lot of third-party titles. Flipside: How many good games for the PSP have you heard about? My point exactly.
Good thing 4: It's got stuff. Flipside: I dropped about $150 for a used DS and two used games. A used PSP with nothing else was $200. I could get the competing handheld and four games at the cost of the PSP, all on the used market. It's pretty close to that if I buy them new, as well.
Good thing 5: It's got a USB port. Flipside: Sony goes out of their way to make homebrew applications unusable with every firmware update.
Good thing 6: It plays video. Flipside: When it launched, the PSP played a few common video file formats. This was stopped with the aforementioned "updates." God forbid the consumer can USE the device for purposes that don't require handing money to Sony.
I also have Advance Wars: Dual Strike. I expect to be in battle for the forseeable future. Since the game contains all the maps from AW 1 and 2, you may miss me.
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