lab notes: heavy pie

System Shock 1 in XP? Rcok. Read it.. do the what is says to be done... dig it. lab notes:

Lego Computer

While chatting with a friend today, said friend sent me a link to this computer case. That is totally awesome! If legos were human, they'd be the man. The flexibility of legos is incredible. With a little help from a lego catalogue, a stylin' themed lego case would be very, very feasable. Plus, think of all the cool little legos they have nowadays. Neon orange or green windows! Woo! That's not even scratching the surface with Lego Technics. Imagine, nifty mechanical bits on the insides, perty Lego blocks on the outside.

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I too have been spammed in engrish. I suppose it was only a matter of time... still... I wasn't quite expecting this. benefit similar edge pretty did promised parents bought suddenly arms reference shining Well.. maybe not really engrish. I believe this here is a SPAMku (SPAM haiku.. huh? huh? get it?). Also, the fact that it's an ad for "Hardcore Meds" makes it even better. We Have All Hardcore Meds Overnight shiiping C1icck here to 0rder anything Anything? That's too good to be true.... imagine that!

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Squeaky clean

Just finished upgrading my system today. It is working hella fast, I love my new Samsung SP1614N. Installed Diablo today... finished the install before the start menu icons were ready. The new fan and power supply I aquired from bruce are working great. Noisy, but stable at 84 degrees. Farenheight. I also replaced the bezels in the front panel and the power supply fan seems to be pumping out a little more air. Hmm.. speaking of Diablo, apologies to bruce for not showing up on Monday. I was back from Minneapolis, but I didn't finish setting everything back up before I left for the weekend so I didn't have D2 until about two hours ago. We should try to hook up again. Also, there's a new patch out. No idea what the changes are all about yet, I must investigate this at a later date...

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Hemionitis arifolia (heart fern)

So I was browsing the local Wal-Mart for an interesting plant to put in a new hanging pot... and I found a really neat looking fern. Unfortuneately, the only thing printed on the plastic pot was" "FERN 4" " So... fern. Pretty vague... by chance I caught some forum post about a "heart fern", and after some searching it is in fact Hemionitis arifolia. Unfortuneately, all I can find are pictures of the plant, I can't find a lick of information about proper care of the poor thing. I'm hoping it kicks back, but it's been losing a few leaves every day now. Though, I'm pretty sure the leaves that are shriveling were already pretty sickly looking... It does have one nice new leaf (frond?) growing, and none of the major leaves are giving up. I'm crossing my fingers, as it's really pretty.

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Land Walker

MECH! Hell yes. Land Walker

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Operation Successful!

All three SCSI hard drives may be dead... but the MDPortal Elite now has NIC! w00t! I'm thinking that since there are no SCSI devices in the chain, the SCSI controller might be shut down. I'll have to check that... then make sure all of the IRQs are correct. Go go gadget device manager! Now where'd I put that Cat 5 UTP... Eh.. Now that I come back to the driver installation it wants the 98 SE disk. Grr..... where'd I put that...

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Metroid Remix Review

So I have this friend who enjoys video game soundtracks... he gave me some mp3's from a Super Metroid remix he found. It's remixes of all of the music in the game- a few of them are done poorly in my opinion (the quality is good, but they didn't do the thematic ambiance of the area it's from justice). The "Norfair 2" theme (Y'know.. swim through the lava, take the elevator down... welcome to Ridley's pad!) in particular, is much too happy. Certainly not the threatening mood the game music imposed. But, it's still pretty cool that people like the game that much. And why not... it rocks my socks right out of their basket. (I have no sock drawer)

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I liked the way BBcode displayed quotes before you upgraded. Is there any way to make quotes stand out a little more? I say this because it's really hard to distinguish between the end of a quote and the rest of the post.

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Alienware Repairs

To this day, I still don't understand Alienware. Not the company itself... the point of a $3500 laptop. The only thing owning one shows is how big your pocket book is. Though, it's not like it's my money. However, here's something that might disuade you from buying an overpriced computer. This is a consumer warning. If Alienware asks you to open your laptop or do physical repairs on it - REFUSE. They will refuse any follow-up or repairs if you damage your computer. Trying to give directions for removing Laptop components over the phone is ridiculous practice anyway. Still, what's the difference if the tech accidentaly busted off a tab? More than likely you'd never hear of it and you'd end up with a broken tab. Alienware responded as such: Many repairs can be done by the customer and can save time instead of sending it into our repair facility. The physical damage was done to the case. Regrettably this can not be repaired under warranty. What the hell kind of warranty is that?! The only thing that really makes an Alienware computer (besides the price) is the silly little cases they toss the bits into. Well, I know I still plan on hating Alienware. lab notes:

CD Thrower Robot

Ever wonder what you could do with old AOL Disks? (Yes, I know. The possibilities are endless) Meet Hammerhead, the CD thrower robot. Taxonomy upgrade extras:

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Winter Wonder Bread

Winter wonder bread More snow in Minneapolis There is no bread Well I'm here kickin' it in Minneapolis, writing a haiku. At least I think that's a haiku... There's snow here. More of it, anwyay. Excitement abounds.

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I don't know if it's because I'm using Portable Firefox or not, but the Favicon is the little Drupal waterdrop guy. The Favicon works fine when I'm using normal Firefox (with a fully functional cache), at least as far as I've noticed so far. I think you were having problems with that a while ago. Anyone else notice anything? Oh yeah, if you're getting the same thing, the Favicon is a gray and white looking square (which is the USL logo if you look closely). Maybe if my eyes weren't so crappy I could make out all those Favicons out there a little better...

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Today is Groundhog day, woo, ha, wee and fun. Well, the dirty little marmot apparently saw his shadow so more crappity crap, if you're stuperstitious. I say Winter until March so it's to be expected for the season. In other news, USL is looking good. It's all... grey and white, but I have a face now! Woo! Also, it's around 2:10 P.M. and there are round-a-bouts 6 guests... there are always guests. Don't just ogle, get registered and post some shit!!!

Return of Elite

I paid bruce a visit a week ago to poke at cases and do other assorted geeky things. I brought the MDPortal Elite machine back with me. I'd been itching to play some System Shock for many moons. So many moons, in fact, that I logged roughly eleven hours and fourty-four minutes of game-time over a span of two days. Nothing says good times like foiling SHODAN's plans to destroy the world and such.

Popper Mod

You know those hand-crank, stove-top popcorn poppers they have? I wonder if they make a good computer case. Or part of one, at least. Currently on the drawing board is a computer case based mostly on a popcorn popper. The popper won't really dictate any sort of "popcorn theme," but will really only be an interesting part of the case. But why a popcorn popper? Well, if I'd have happened upon some other pot or pan sitting in the junk heap, I probably would have said "Hey! I bet that pan that doesn't happen to be a popcorn popper would make an intersting computer case!" No pictures yet, but what we're really intersted in is what do YOU think? Get registered and post your thoughts today! Right now! Do it!

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CNT Lights

Now maybe everybody has heard of the Carbon Nanotube (CNT) screens that are supposed to be better than LCD/Plasma screens; however, while digging up information on that, I stumbled across something rather neat. ISE Electronics Corp., a subsidiary of Noritake Co., Limited, has succeeded to use Carbon Nanotube as field emitter of a high brightness light source. Apparently these lights will make a better replacement for LED lights. The website doesn't seem to have been updated since 2001, though it still has a functioning Sales section...

Content Formatting

I don't know if it's intentional, but forum, comment, article, etc. posts don't show up aligned like they're entered. For example, this is a new paragraph separated by a blank line. Or is it... So is this, and all of the new paragraphs aren't indented by me, but they are! I think this could use some tweaking, what does anyone else think? Or am I using the incorrect input format? Hmm hmm... Taxonomy upgrade extras:

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modding on the cheap

Considering bruce was working with a $40.00 budget, I'd say it turned out well. Some split loom, plexiglass, aluminum, various bits of hardware, and some leftover christmas lights; voila! Instant case mod. Once the work is done... So not so much an instant case mod, but certainly an inexpensive case mod.