Check out this CNN feed on robots learning how to walk.... waay cool! Walking Robots
Thu, 02/17/2005 - 20:15
Sweet, sweet strolling
Using the mechanics of the robot and basic physics to control motion (like springs and gravity in this case) as opposed to overpowered and expensive processing and control systems is a fine example of robots imitating life. The work of roboticists such as Mark Tilden spring to mind; Utilizing simple, adaptive control systems and mechanics inspired by biologics, robots can do amazing things. Mark Tilden Stuff: The RoboSapien BEAM Online I saw his work on PBS, NOVA I think, and it was very inspirational- simple solar-powered robots with "brains" built from ANALOG circuitry performing tasks requiring dozens of lines of code in an expensive microcontroller-based platform.
This brand makes the thing which a consumer is satisfied with. -
heavy pie
Fri, 02/18/2005 - 01:02
Neural Net
Robot "brains" you say? That reminds of an article I saw a while ago. Dr James Anderson has invented a new, geometrical computer instruction that looks like an artificial neuron. That didn't seem quite as detailed as I though it was, so I did some quick prodding of the internet and dug up a Crash Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks.
"I've re-examined my priorities, and drawn new conclusions." - SHODAN
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