lab notes: life

sci-fi computer screens


Research Papers - These are mostly intended to be evergreen documents - expect updates. They will include standalone articles but also research for hardware projects, software, and site development.

Blogs - Short form content on various topics.


lab notes: life

Read My Fax

Cycled into work last Tuesday morning, took three calls, wondered why the calls dried up... Yup, totally fired; on 6/6/06 no less. I can't say that I'm surprised, angry, or otherwise upset. The pay was good, and money is a requisite for life in a capitalist society, but in the end it was simply a job; I was not planning on answering phone calls as a career. However, it is good to know that my job performance was satisfactory to the extent that a budget shortfall was the determining factor in my dismissal. Indeed, I am at the top of the contractor hiring list come August if an upcoming software rollout warrants sufficient need for phone techs

In the meantime, it is a good excuse to dive back into the shop and make products and preparations for an upcoming show in June. Mel has been pushing for sushi related serving dishes, and I am not one to disregard good advice. A few people have requested such items at past events, and as they would pay cash monies for them, I am happy to oblige. I plan a photo shoot this week and an update to our online catalog.

My sister married good friend photovore09 this past weekend. Both friends and family arrived in unexpected numbers; shy of droves perhaps, but a sizable and motley crue was assembled. Ravers, hippies, conservative middle class, young, old; separation by demographic, cultural, financial, age, or otherwise would be a tedious chore. The best part, overall everyone had a good time. Everyone danced, many drank, and the vibe was quite positive. Even my friend Stephen enjoyed himself, and he has a particular aversion to family based social gatherings.

Becky's Geodome in the back yard
CCIH - Cold Chillin In Hammocks

Jeff Z, super hooper
Jeff Z, super hooper

Camping, drinking, smoking
Camping, drinking, smoking

Melanie, Lew, and Dan
Melanie, Lew, and Dan

Test Type & Photovore09 - moonbass in the house!
Test Type & Photovore09 - moonbass in the house!

It's a pool. Hooray pool!
It's a pool. Hooray pool!

Sam Goody and Suncoast

Sam Goody and Suncoast stores across the U.S. are closing. The Sam Goody in Ames, and at least one in Des Moines are. Melanie and I found some great deals at the Merle Hay mall location, including a cool display rack that we'll be using for our Art Fair Booth. That's right, they are selling everything- even the cash register had a price tag. Shelves, media racks, media, it's all going.

Hippie Communes

Establishing an Intentional Community is challenging and enlightening. I've been working with a small group of friends to do just that, and it's quickly become apparent most humans aren't up to the sheer patience involved. It's not surprising; our research reveals years of preparing By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation, Membership Agreements, and other legal documents is the essential first step. After all, we aren't forming the stereotypical hippie commune of the 1960's and 70's- a 'noble' struggle of anti-establishment radicals battling 'the man'. No, we're embracing fully a corporate structure; the idea here is establishing a business structure designed to assist its shareholders establish and maintain a sustainable lifestyle supported by a highly localized economy based on the natural resources available from jointly owned, expertly managed and maintained property. I refer you to the entry for "commune", and to the Intentional Communities website.

The things I endure for your amusement

From an actual forum: Amanda: Are you popping your own zits (in other words, auto-erotic zit-popping) or do you prefer to pop someone else's zits? Or are you getting your husband to pop your zits? Not clear from your original post. Also, is this directly sexual for you, i.e. are you getting horny from it? -- Katharine

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