As much as I hate spam, at least there is the occasionally bizarre message providing morning entertainment. I think I found a new signature.
Your mission is to obey the commands of whoever is able to strike the Master Key of Electricity. That is true I once read in a book that all things are regulated by exact laws of nature.
Wed, 04/27/2005 - 13:00
More Weirdness
to her memory, for they cultiv ated a great respect for science. I saw," said d halls in it, but we do not enter them, weremain in the kitchen, where if he could by any means be cured! But where bloomed the flower that the little mouse, "that the ants were always running to it is warm and light, clean and tidy; thecopper utensils are shining, the table as if polis hed with beeswax;the sink looks like a freshly scoured meat and 1 the could bring him health? They had searched for it everywhere; in learned writin 17 been, miles board. All this a singleservan
"Your mission is to obey the commands of whoever is able to strike the Master Key of Electricity. That is true I once read in a book that all things are regulated by exact laws of nature" - spam e-mail
heavy pie
Fri, 04/29/2005 - 13:19
Dude! Your spam rocks! My spam tries to sell me things. Or tries to tell me to get my free something or other. And where exactly are you getting this Bizarro spam from?
Other time... other space.
Fri, 04/29/2005 - 22:33
In This Case
It is from people trying to sell me cheap meds- usually "tablets". Here's another one for ya.
"band. Herhusband had already seen foremost pointed to my sausage skewer, and said, 'There, th , but what nobody knows nobody cares for; so he would cry till he was t the wonderfully beautiful child in thedaytime, and was delighted wi did not himself know why he wept, yet a kind of pleasant feeling mi It 1 scattering ngled with his tears. "Howwonderfully glorious it would be to sit with the student und 17 check uch"
"Your mission is to obey the commands of whoever is able to strike the Master Key of Electricity. That is true I once read in a book that all things are regulated by exact laws of nature" - spam e-mail
heavy pie
Sun, 05/01/2005 - 16:46
Reading rai thelight bands
I s'pose if I'd actually ever read any of the SPAM I get... Though this does remind me of that Diablo II incident... "come on 18nom FUCK YOU" "dog baby"
Other time... other space.
Mon, 05/02/2005 - 18:59
It continues unabated
"Thus you may determine by a single look the true natures of all those you encounter. And are these, also, electrical in their construction? asked the boy, as he took the spectacles. Certainly"
"Your mission is to obey the commands of whoever is able to strike the Master Key of Electricity. That is true I once read in a book that all things are regulated by exact laws of nature" - spam e-mail
Fri, 05/06/2005 - 23:06
Take this Frenchman
At it was, the bar rebounded with a force that sent the murderous Frenchman sprawling upon the roof, and Rob turned around and laughed at him. It won't work, Professor, he said I'm proof against assassins
"Your mission is to obey the commands of whoever is able to strike the Master Key of Electricity. That is true I once read in a book that all things are regulated by exact laws of nature" - spam e-mail
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