Roughing Gouge

I've been reading up on the proper methodology for sharpening my turning tools, and the recent warm weather has given my the opportunity to apply that research. I re-ground, honed and polished my skews, spidle gouges, and roughing gouge. The medium-grit wheel on my bench grinder was perfect for re-shaping the cutting edges, and my 120/220 combination oil stone was all I needed to hone the tools to razor sharpness. Built-up resin was quickly polished away with a buffing wheel and tripoli compound. Of course, all this work wasn't just for fun; I was handed some interesting turning blanks in the fall and I've been fiending to chuck them into the lathe. My mom requested a pair of padauk candlesticks, there are a couple chunks of camphor burl, a piece of english walnut, and two myrtle burl bowl blanks. Needless to say, enough stock to keep me in turnery projects for some time.

Roughing Gouge

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