This blog entry comes to you via my "new" Fujitsu Lifebook. It has a wicked hot K6-2 450 CPU and 192 MB of RAM. While it's not spectacular, it is more than enough to handle text-editing; and that's all I use to create and surf my sites. I have to head down to Des Moines tomorrow morning for a Des Moines Music Coalition web meeting. I am looking forward to what should be a productive meeting. The DMMC site is Mambo-based; a good CMS, but the module/component updates are few and far between. The event calendar is especially important for our site, but it is woefully database inefficient and produces poorly structured html output. I am extremely tempted to build something better- integration with a venue/artist directory would be sweet.
I've been busy in the shop, as seems to be the usual lately. Currently, I am putting together a bed frame for my friends Adam and Becky. The money I receive for labor should pay for a good portion of a new bandsaw. I definitely need access to a bandsaw full-time if I keep buying stacks of turning stock. I'm also thinking of taking a part-time job at the Woodsmith Store's Garden Center. It pays $10/hour, which isn't bad at all. Just depends on the number of hours they want. I can swing 15 or less.
heavy pie
Tue, 05/24/2005 - 02:07
K6-2 and a whopping 192MB of RAM? More than plenty for good ol' StarCraft! Hint hint... :p
Other time... other space.
Tue, 05/24/2005 - 14:12
Dispensing Indiscriminite Justice
Yeah, I think lappy would handle SC pretty well.
"Your mission is to obey the commands of whoever is able to strike the Master Key of Electricity... I once read in a book that all things are regulated by exact laws of nature" - SPAM
Anonymous (not verified)
Tue, 06/21/2005 - 13:56
If you build a new calendar, you should definitely build in an RSS feed for it. We'd like to link to your events from Des Moines Alive. Keep it up man.
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