Mel and I hit the state fair this past Saturday; it was busy as hell. Full parking lots turned away drivers early in the afternoon, and the grounds were just as packed with fair-going folks. We made a beeline for the Cultural Center as I decided to submit a couple of entries for judging- an enclosed form bowl turned from Catalpa with Silver Maple inlay, and a scrollwork Buddha made from solid Cherry. We wound our way through the crowds and up to the second floor of the Center, our lust for competition results aching for fulfillment. We did not expect our Buddha to place, and indeed that was the case; wildlife and other traditional scrollsaw patterns usually take top honors. We did, however, expect to place with the bowl; everyone who had seen it was rather impressed. We managed to take second place, and as a first time competitor new to the world of bowl turning, I am rather proud of that.
Other wanderings included a visit to the Swine and Cattle Barns to gaze upon the gigantic forms of the "Big Boar" and "Super Bull". The bull weighed 2,996 pounds; the boars nearly 2,000. Absolutely incredible.
No visit to the State Fair would be complete without sampling the "cuisine"; in this case corn dogs, pizza, funnel cakes, beef jerky and roasted soy beans. We aso bought some Spring valley Honey and Clear Creek Orchard Wild Plum Jam; which I must say is absolutely delicious. We've eaten half the pint jar already.
It was an adventure for sure, and we plan on going back for more Firday evening; this time we're going with friends, so it should be even more entertaining.
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