Logging in to the site this morning form work I couldn't help but notice that IE is actually displaying the site content mostly properly. Perhaps some float model bugs were fixed? Of course, if that is the case I may have some other tweaking to do on other site layouts. After all, creating pixel prefect layouts with CSS almost requires hacks in order to maintain consistent rendering across a myriad of buggy or inconsistent browsing platforms. Now as far as USL is concerned, my CSS-based template is specifically designed without any IE hacks. Why? Simple. Microsoft told me to do it. No lie. The upcoming IE7 will render the current list of IE7 hacks obsolete... or so they say. Anyway, their assurances and my compunction to minimize and strive for standards compliance has left my personal sites in a state of IE limbo for years now. Missing PNG24 support, broken CSS float models, and host of other issues have hindered or outright thwarted many of my more creative CSS efforts. Perhaps it's time to try creative design once again.
Internet Exploder - What Happen!
Internet Exploder - What Happen!
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