Global blogger action day called

Global blogger action day called - The web blog community is calling for bloggers worldwide to lend support to two imprisoned Iranian web diarists. BBC - Tech The Committee to Protect Bloggers has some interesting articles. Honestly though, I was expecting much more traffic on the site; especially after the BBC coverage. To me it is interesting to see the current rise of the "blog". I mean, the concept really isn't new at all- people have been using the web as a repository for journal or diary like blurbs for quite some time. All that was required for the viral growth of blogs was the removal of the technical hurdles; thanks to a variety of sites such as; and the application of a catchy/sexy/saavy name like "blog". In the end, blogging is good for the Internet and its users; after all, blogging is helping to bring about some homogonization of document structure and greater adherance to standards thanks to RSS feeds and other forms of syndication. Other blog sites of note: Dave Barry Wil Wheaton Collaboration Cafe The Agonist


heavy pie
Mon, 02/28/2005 - 00:01
Global Blogger Action
Well the day has been doen, but apparently Mojtaba and Arash are still no free. But hey! Global Blogger day was even featured on Spanish Radio! Santo mierda! So, what to do. The Committee to protect Bloggers recommends write your government officials. fo·rum n. pl. fo·rums, also fo·ra (fôr, fr)
a. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.
b. A public meeting place for open discussion.
c. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program.
2. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation.
3. A court of law; a tribunal. Going by definition 1c, or possibly defintion 2, I can see why blogs took off. Everyone likes forums, they're about things groups of people like. Now with a blog, the forum is about the blogger. A forum dedicated to all things you, now isn't that cool? I think so.

Global blogger action day called

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