Today I attempted securing an enployment opportunity at the West Des Moines Best Buy; what a waste of my time. Melanie spotted an ad for their "Job Fair" and I decided that it might be worth checking out. I submitted to their online application forms, and upon arrival at the store, I was informed that I had filled out an application for the wrong store location and would have to contact the wrong store for employment opportunites. As the wrong store was on the other side of Des Moines, I decided that it would be far simpler to re-apply for the correct store. Thirty minutres later I returned to the "Job Fair" and informed them of my re-application; this time I didn't for a second interview. Translation: we're too lazy or lost in pointless formality to actually talk to face to face as adults conducting polite professional conversation. I probably spent less than a minute inside of the store and over ninety minutes filling out online forms and battling traffic. At this point I am willing to wait for their return call, but I have serious doubts about working with such a unknowledgable and inhuman staff.
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