Ok so I'm posting another exciting installment of my adventures in Oz. First of all I am really getting sick of living with my aunt and uncle. The house has no doors or finished walls except exterior doors and walls. There are only bed sheets hanging in the doorways. And the walls only go up 8 feet or so. The celing is like between 10 and 12 feet from the ground so there is no such thing as privacy here. You can hear what everyone in the house is doing and saying all of the time. It sux because they are daytime people and I'm a night owl. I have to be quiet as a mouce all night or I'll wake them up. So that pretty much sux and that's just the house.
I'm also having trouble just getting along with my aunt and uncle. They are really uphappy about how introverted I am and about who I am in general. They can't stand what I like to eat, what I like to do, that I'm not to interested in gardening or cattle or that I don't enjoy listening/watching the news every waking moment. They can't stand that I really don't care if people like me or not. They detest that I like to read a lot and that I don't like going for long solitary walks in the sunlight.
I'm not sure what I can do about this. I've tried to stay out of their way, be as unobtrusive as possible, but that just seems to piss them off even more. I get the feeling that what they wanted was a clone of my uncle and that I'm just not good enough. Got into an argument with them several days ago because they were trying to order me around and I told them that I was an an adult and that I could think and decide for myself. It wasn't like they were telling me to help them with anything (I've offered tons of times, but they always refuse), they were trying to order me to like certain things and activities. Things and activities that had nothing to do with them! They were just blatantly ordering me to be someone else! They were telling me that if I changed then people would like me better and that I'd like myself. I told them that I liked myself just fine and that I didn't care who else liked me. Then they got angry and started telling me it was selfish to not plan my life around making others like me!! I'm really not sure what they want from me, but I know who I am (generaly), I like who I am (generaly) and anyone who doesn't like me can just fuck off.
Anyway, I took this opportunity to take the train to Sydney for the weekend. I had a great time :) I went out to a club (for some reason all of their clubs are called "hotels" here) and had a few drinks. It was a good time :) I met a bunch of Sydney natives and a couple of Canadians, named Stu and Phil, who decided that I was an honorary Canadian. Then they started drunkenly singing "Blame Canada!" at the tops of their lungs :) During the course of the night I apparently set Phil up with a rather unattractive Australian woman and he didn't realize how unattractive she was until the next day :/ He laughed about it the next evening, tho, so it must not have been that bad ;)
The next evening I went to the same club for a DnB show that was advertised there. OMFG was it packed!! Sydney loves it's DnB!! I had a hard time meeting anyone there that night because it was so packed and loud!! I did, however, meet up with Gotham who is a DnB producer/DJ from Arizona who lives in Sydney. I'd met him the first time I was in Sydney, but we didn't get to hang out much then. We got pretty trashed and then left the place to go and meet up with a dude named Merlin. Apparently he was on some TV show called "Big Brother" and was apparently very famous (and rich) because of it. I don't watch TV so I didn't recognise him, but he was definately an interesting guy. We went all over Sydney with Merlin, he bought tons of drinks and paid for cab rides everywhere. We ended up at Gotham's place and listened to the tracks he'd written and the tracks he was working on while getting more messed up. Then Merlin had to go home and go to bed. Gotham and I then went to another bar (this was around 4:30am) and continued to get drunk while we waited for a couple of Gotham's other friends to show up. I watched Gotham loose $35 to those electronic gambling machines while we waited for an hour.
Unbelivably boring.
Then Bal and Johnny showed up. Bal was from India and was filthy rich. His family was friends with some shiek or another and as a result that shiek bought Bal a $10million dollar appartment overlooking Sydney Harbor and the opera house as well as 10 Feraris and 10 porshes for him to get around Sydney in. Damn was this dude loaded. We chilled for a while then around 7 am he and Johnny decided that they were going to go to another friend of their's place in the "Lebanise part of Sydney" and they didn't think that it'd be wise for a caucasian American like myself to join them. I was kind of tired anyway so I went back to the hostel I was staying at and crashed. Definately a long weird night... That's about it so far.
Hope this is amusing to you all :)
Thu, 10/13/2005 - 12:14
I am most certainly amused
I am most certainly amused by your miseries. Damn, dude. At least it sounds like all the trouble you're having will disappear once you find employment and get your own place. Congratulations on being Canadian, though.
--- Hint: You may have to use some letters more than once.
Sun, 10/16/2005 - 12:07
Take off, eh
He didn't even need to get a Visa! What a hoser.
"Your mission is to obey the commands of whoever is able to strike the Master Key of Electricity... I once read in a book that all things are regulated by exact laws of nature" - SPAM
Tue, 10/25/2005 - 00:35
nice. sorry the familial
nice. sorry the familial stress is happening, hopefully your good times in oz will outweigh the weird. more communication when i'm not studying and in dire need of sleep.
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