A new version of Drupal has been released, and that means I'll be updating the site. There are a buttload of changes, so the site will be down for some time while I install the new system and associated modules. Changes in the 4.6.0 release can be found here.
Wed, 05/18/2005 - 14:39
Update Executed
Finally, I have completed the 4.6.0 upgrade. I was waiting for most of the modules I use to gain 4.6.0 compatability. The bbcode filter is still pending, but should soon be updated. The image module was rebuilt for Drupal 4.6.0. I love the improved interface, but I will have to update my galleries to get things running again as the upgrade nerfed the old stuff. "Your mission is to obey the commands of whoever is able to strike the Master Key of Electricity... I once read in a book that all things are regulated by exact laws of nature" - SPAM
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