What a week. The last few days were a blur of computer parts, boxes, and bins. I've been rummaging through my assorted stacks of used components. The piles were overgrowing my workspaces, and this, of course, necessitated some pruning. Thank you eBay! If any of you are looking for some older hardware, I've got a pile posted for sale; my eBay ID is bruce42_saiyaman. There's stuff from Socket3 motherboards to a couple of VooDoo3 video cards. Testing all that hardware was a pain, but I think a day or two spent babysitting a test bench was worth it. It's forcing me to organize and focus on finishing projects instead of collecting junk; and as a bonus, the money generated from parts sales should provide the capital for new, better projects.
The next step is selling some custom cases. Time for shameless self-promotion- if you are interested in custom gear, contact me at bruce42@ultrasciencelabs.com. I specialize in modding and upgrading old gear; I like hacking apart old stuff as opposed to just buying a bunch of factory pap online, throwing it together and calling it a "case mod". How can it be a case mod if you didn't mod anything?
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