So Des Moines is getting a permanent built Renaissance faire this year. for anyone interested Bruce42 and I will be going Labor Day (as the true pirates we be). For more info check out
Read more…lab notes: bode_soha
Research Papers - These are mostly intended to be evergreen documents - expect updates. They will include standalone articles but also research for hardware projects, software, and site development.
Blogs - Short form content on various topics.
- usl - ultrasciencelabs
- greymatter post archive
- drupal post archive
- the web
- web development
- models
- paper planes
lab notes: bode_soha
I bought a cheap-o Orchid from Target a month or so ago. It was in bloom with lovely lovely deep purple/black flowers on a long spike. The orchid is a Dendrobium Copter according to it's tag. These are ephipyte orchids (they live in trees and have aerial roots). They like to have small pots and grow big.
My plants bloomed for several weeks, and then died off. The older leaves started turning yellow and breaking off. I was frantic to figure out what exactly was wrong with my leaves so (being a librarian) I consulted many books about it. Each and every book seemed to have a different take on yellowing leaves. The plant is getting too much sun The plant is not getting enough sun The plant is over watered Wait. The plant is underwatered.
I became very frustrated and decided that overall the plant looked fine and so what. It is loosing old leaves, but I am still getting a lot of new growth. I am now starting to get a new stalk growing which hopefully will bloom. I have no idea if this is an annually blooming plant, or continuous blooming and have nothing to go on than a broad generalization what type of atmosphere it prefers. The room it is in gets Easterly sun, partially shaded. I keep it over a pebble tray with water to keep the humidity up around the plant. The room it is in changes slightly in temp during the day and night and summer/winter due to its poor insulation. So- nice and warm in the summer, cooler in the winter.
I am posting pics because I couldn't find a single picture on the web of Dendrobium Copters. Frustrating to no end so now I am attempting to learn and share my knowledge. Hope this helps someone out there!
Dendrobium Copter - 11/08/05 A complete view of the currently non-flowering
Dendrobium Copter - 11/08/05 an overhead shot of the orchid. You can sort of see the new stalk growing.
Read more…I had a great holiday, but really need to get immersed in work again. Haven't touched my site for a while, and really need to work on bruce42 and I's art wares site. buy from us. we are cool. now. not later NOW!